Friday 20 July 2007

How to create pages in html using Microsoft FrontPage:

  1. Open MS Front Page using the link on your desktop.
  2. Create new pages: Click File / New to create new pages. All new pages appear at the top of the screen in tabs. At the bottom of the screen on the left you will notice a couple of other tabs, most importantly Design (allows you to create pages), Code (the actual html script for the pages), Preview (allows you to see the pages as they'll be seen in a browser).
  3. How to change fonts: Make sure you are in Design mode. Click the font name you want at the top of the screen and its size. You can also center the text as well as any images and change their allignment (left/right).
  4. Making a hyperlink: Go to Insert / Hyperlink and type the address of the website you want to link to. Make sure you select the text, image or any object before you make the link.
  5. Inserting pictures: Go to Insert / Picture. You have a selection to make here: you may insert clipart, pictures from your hard drive or WordArt (artful-looking text).
  6. Themes and backgrounds: Go to Format / Themes to choose from a selection of ready templates for your website. If you wish to be more ambitious and create your own template and want to incorporate your own background picture, choose Format / Background.
  7. Be sure to check your spelling before uploading the html pages to a server. Go to Tools / Spelling to do that.
  8. You may wish to put your content into a table. E.g. a gallery may be created using tables with each cell holding a different picture. Go to Table / Insert / Table to create one.
  9. And above all, have fun! Be creative!

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